Metamorphosis (digitally transformed paper collage) 2020
the deepest of woods,
amongst the moss draped rocks and trees adorned
with the odor of fungus and dank,
there hangs a chrysalis.
The chrysalis fractures,
The chrysalis fractures,
breaking the silence that echoes with the music of descending drops of rain.
The air fills with a waft of bergamot and ylang ylang,
The air fills with a waft of bergamot and ylang ylang,
merged with the tang
of blood,
and falls, melding with the scent of the woods.
The rebirth disseminates on the back of the moisture laden air
and blankets the terrain.
Exploring how to bring emotions and presence to absence
with visuals and
words over the ether
in an attempt to make this an immersive experience
(like my physical installations).
All the collages I've been making are
It's not how they look or present as art.
Instead I'm inviting
you to feel the wonder of being in that space
as if it were real.