1. Romancing experience with a spontaneous and unbridled enthusiasm
2. Engaging the whole of me and unleashing my creative expression
3. Surrendering to passion and intensifying the depths of my emotions
4. Engulfing my being in the fires of my heart, allowing the flames to sear my soul
5. Embodying my joy and donning its luminescence
6. Living the beauty, immersed in the transfiguration of perception
7. Loving with illimitable unconditionality
2. Engaging the whole of me and unleashing my creative expression
3. Surrendering to passion and intensifying the depths of my emotions
4. Engulfing my being in the fires of my heart, allowing the flames to sear my soul
5. Embodying my joy and donning its luminescence
6. Living the beauty, immersed in the transfiguration of perception
7. Loving with illimitable unconditionality